Thursday, September 29, 2016

New(➧)La Firma de Dios (Spanish Edition) by Grant Jeffrey * Download »DOC

La Firma de Dios (Spanish Edition)

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La Firma de Dios (Spanish Edition)

Title:La Firma de Dios (Spanish Edition)
Author:Grant Jeffrey
Rating:4.56 (537 Votes)
Format Type:Paperback
Number of Pages:768 Pages
Publish Date:1997-07-01

La Firma de Dios es la obra más importante y fascinante que Grant R. Jeffrey haya escrito. Este libro le sorprenderá y le conmoverá por su documentada evidencia científica que probará indudablemente, que la Biblia es la Palabra inspirada de Dios. Grant sostiene que Dios estampó su firma en las páginas de la Escritura a través de una asombrosa cantidad de pruebas divinas que confirman que sus palabras son inspiradas y que tienen autoridad. Explore estos descubrimientos sorprendentes que comprueban que Dios escribó las escrituras: –Misteriosos códigos hebreos en la Biblia que revelan a Hitler, Rabin, y Sadat –La aparición en código del nombre Yeshua (Jesús) a través de todo el Antiguo Testamento –La increíble precisión de profecías cumplidas en esta generación –El hallazgo de inscripciones antiguas en el Sinaí que registran los event

Editorial : Language Notes Text: Spanish (translation) Original Language: English

Much to the dismay of the foul-mouthed leftists, I don't live a trailer park, don't "cling to my guns in the name of Jesus", and don't belong to the Tea Party and never have. Savage spares no time, ink, or feelings in this remarkable and hard-hitting expose of the machinery and ideologies behind what is fast becoming -- and could very well become if unchecked -- the utter destruction of the United States. It did remind me heavily of Brad Taylor's Taskforce/Pike Logan series of books, along with Scott McEwen's Sniper Elite in that Kelso Jarvis and Bob Pope could be the same person.
There was lots of action. Well done!. Having enjoyed the "bipolar advantage" for more than 25 years now, I'm always looking for a positive slant on this nasty, destructive, incurable condition. This book is a small book and yet filled with information and ideas for both the novice bumblebee watcher and the long timer. It is very updated and it refers to the literature in a very accurate and interesting w

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