Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a "New Age" tantric yoga cult! by Gursant Singh *Free Download»RTF

Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a "New Age" tantric yoga cult!

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Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a

Title:Confessions of an American Sikh: Locked up in India, corrupt cops & my escape from a "New Age" tantric yoga cult!
Author:Gursant Singh
Rating:4.56 (968 Votes)
Format Type:Paperback
Number of Pages:428 Pages
Publish Date:2012-12-13

Arriving in India to get his teeth fixed, Gursant Singh decides he needs a Punjabi wife and becomes embroiled with Dadaji, Amritsar’s notorious marriage broker. When their search for the perfect bride gets them both thrown into Amritsar’s Central Jail, Gursant has to look deep within himself and question everything he has been taught about the Sikh path - Sikhi. Gursant’s encounters with crooked lawyers, corrupt cops and the enigmatic Indian legal system lead him from the radiant spirituality of Amritsar’s Golden Temple, through labyrinthine back streets, chaotic lawyers' offices and the Amritsar Police station to the tranquility of an isolated yoga ashram in the foothills of the Himalayas. On the way, we meet an exotic cast of characters. Some venal and manipulating, others compassionate and generous; all of whom bring to life the contradictions, idiosyncrasies and excitement of 21st Century India. Gursant chronicles his adventures in a fast-moving, warts-and-a

Editorial : About the Author I was given the name Guru Sant Singh Khalsa by Yogi Bhajan. The experiences you will read about in "Confessions of an American Sikh" led me to understand that this name inflated my ego and was detrimental to my spiritual progress. I now use the name Gursant Singh and that is the name I have used as the author of this book. Since my name was Guru Sant Singh Khalsa when all the events in the book took place I have kept that name in the text of the book "Confessions of an American Sikh" outlines my reasons for joining Yogi Bhajan’s sect of Sikhism, wearing a turban and all white clothes. As of 2009 I left Yogi Bhajan’s group I now only follow Siri Guru Granth Sahib. First I’ll share some background before you read "Confessions of an American Sikh" which should help you understand my thinking and life. I grew up with strong Christian values of living an honest life and a strong belief in one God. You can see me in photographs on my website at age 12 parti

It is an intimate story of two people who, according to the culture at the time, should never have been together, but who found a simple and profound joy in being together. I know books about infidelity or the possibility of makes some people want to shy away, but I thought this book took a really honest approach. great. "Escape" would imply someone was trying to stop him from giving up his yoga practice. Immediately.

This book is more interesting than you would expect. This book is an inspring look at how a courages young adult stood up to this disease and looked it straight in the eye. I can say that pickup games, backyard basketball, endless wiffleball games with other kids on my street, these are the best sports memories from my youth. This is a great read -- and adventurous ride -- focusing on the growth of the New York subway system over the past 100 years -- and how the subway helped make New York become one of the greatest ethnically diverse urban communities in the

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