Monday, April 25, 2016

Encounter With an Angry God: Recollections of My Life With John Peabody Harrington by Carobeth Laird * Download »RTF

Encounter With an Angry God: Recollections of My Life With John Peabody Harrington

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Encounter With an Angry God: Recollections of My Life With John Peabody Harrington

Title:Encounter With an Angry God: Recollections of My Life With John Peabody Harrington
Author:Carobeth Laird
Rating:4.98 (922 Votes)
Format Type:Hardcover
Number of Pages:0 Pages
Publish Date:0000-00-00

Linguist-ethnographer John Peabody Harrington was an eccentric genius of American anthropology. It was in a summer class in 1915 that Carobeth Laird first met him, handsome and sun-tanned from the field. Her story of their seven-year marriage, written when she was in her seventies and published when she was eighty years old, is a compelling tale that has sold over 250,000 copies. In one sense a chronicle of what it meant to an anthropologist in the early twentieth century, it is also a love story, portraying the curious triangle that developed when a Chemehuevi informant entered the lives of Harrington and the young wife he drove as ruthlessly as he did himself.

Editorial : About the Author Carobeth Laird

The 1964 NATIONAL LAMPOON YEARBOOK parody is one of the funniest things I've ever seen (fortunately, a reprint is available and I definitely recommend it).

I really didn't get too much more than I did from this book that I already got from the Esquire article. Harrington, one of a group of "new" anthropologists rushing to record the fast disappearing culture of the aborigine Californians. He discusses architecture with the Prince of Wales, hobnobs with royalty, and reflects on the changes of life and the deaths of friends. This book should be the gold standard for how to write an engrossing story.. beautifully written; fully engaging.. I didn't like the beach scenes in this book! I found the pics boring and lacking in color! Also short on instructions.. Perhaps an acquired taste , but such magnificent name dropping and the writing will never be duplicated.. When we eventually get to the analysis of Marxism one is rather surprised by the perfunctory and almost breezy treatmen

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