Sunday, June 19, 2016

Soccer in Your Backyard by Daniel dos Santos *Online Library »PDF

Soccer in Your Backyard Soccer in Your Backyard, in an entertaining way, demonstrates to parents the fundamentals of soccer "camouflaged" as fun games and exercises. Moreover, it offers another alternative for parents to rea

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Soccer in Your Backyard

Title:Soccer in Your Backyard
Author:Daniel dos Santos
Rating:4.63 (888 Votes)
Format Type:Paperback
Number of Pages:160 Pages
Publish Date:1999-08-25

Soccer in Your Backyard, in an entertaining way, demonstrates to parents the fundamentals of soccer "camouflaged" as fun games and exercises. This book introduces a unique method which, in addition to teaching soccer skills, uses soccer as a "vehicle" to help children improve their self-esteem, motivation and leadership potential. Moreover, it offers another alternative for parents to reach and influence their children's values, personalities and self-confidence. IN YOUR GARAGE OR YOUR BASEMENT, YOU COULD FIND ALL YOU NEED TO ENJOY SOCCER WITH YOUR FAMILY! Plus-- Sportsmanship, Parent-Coach Relationship, Daniel's Teaching Methodology

Editorial : "Daniel has hit the bull's eye with his book. Soccer in Your Backyard is the missing link in the development of youth soccer." -- Joe McGuigan, Head Coach, Men's Soccer, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

"During my seven years as Soccer Commissioner and coach, I have reviewed many books on training youth that only focus on the technical and tactical aspects of the game. Daniel dos Santos's philosophy of involving the family is a key factor, the energy boost youth soccer needs in the United States to ensure that our youth will continue with the game." -- Pedro Correa, P.S.N.A.A. Soccer Commissioner, Miami, FL

"Soccer in Your Backyard shows that parents, children and coaches can work together as a team. The concept that 'it takes a village to raise a child' truly comes out in this book, and all of us have the power and responsibility to be that village." -- Fran Ault, L.C.S.W., Miami, FL

It is not until the third book does a dedicated novel emerge. She then takes us beyond the basics with lovely projects incorporating colour along with the ink. Lest we forget.. For example the story of the Athens design Center.
Overall a very enjoyable read that any designer in Greece should read.. It sure would be nice if it had a standard calendar grid.. And this book will help its readers navigate through all the financial data and reports required to operate a small business.

My favorite part of the book was where it explained how one can implement effective operating systems and procedures so a company can run like a well-oiled machine and be free of fraud, theft, and other irregularities. They meet Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein and their major contributions. Hyponatremia (water intoxication) is what causes deaths at marathons, not dehydration.. I like the book, easy to use.. I highly recommend this book for anyone, CFer or not!. I even liked the name; Grim Tale

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